
For many Cincinnati families, the advent of the winter holidays brings on a lot of changes to daily life. Not all of it is safe for pets, however. Montgomery Animal Hospital in Cincinnati, OH, is here to explain a few ways you can make it more pet-friendly. After all, pets are family too! If your family will be celebrating this year, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Be Careful With Christmas Trees: Your pet might be wondering what a tree is doing indoors. If they're climbers, they may think of it like any other tree. Do your best to discourage them from climbing your tree; they could break ornaments, accidentally eat tinsel, get sick from drinking tree water, or even knock your tree down! So train your animal away from the tree (call us for suggestions), or consider setting up a play fence (such as the kind used for toddlers).
  • Be Vigilant With Lights & Flames:Will you be lighting up the house this holiday season? Be aware that with the splendor of lights comes an increase in the chance of house fires. Be very careful with extension cords and dangling lights, as these could tempt your cat to play with them. If you will be lighting candles, igniting the fireplace, or doing anything else involving open flames, either don't let your pets near or keep an eye on them in case of mishaps.
  • Don't Share Table Scraps:A lot of festive foods are actually toxic to pets. Foods to avoid sharing include chocolate, onions, baked goods with artificial sweeteners, Macadamia nuts, raw meat, and many others. If you want to include your pet in your feast, buy them their own pet treats. If your pet does ingest something questionable, call Montgomery Animal Hospital, and they will be glad to help. 

Montgomery Animal Hospital provides veterinary care throughout Greater Cincinnati, including exotic pet care. Call the office at (513) 791-7912 to schedule an appointment,or visit them online to learn more.
