
During the cold winter months, outdoor cats will often seek out any warm spot to rest. That can frequently include under the hood of a parked car, where the engine block is warm and cozy. We at the Montgomery Animal Hospital want to help prevent injury whenever we can - so please, follow these simple steps to protect cats this winter.

For your own cat, keep him or her indoors during the winter months. You'll avoid accidental injuries and prevent your cat from becoming lost or stolen. 

Check on your cat prior to taking a trip - every year there are stories of cats who ride tens or hundreds of miles in the hood of the car. While some survive unscathed, others sustain life-threatening injuries.

Give hidden cats a warning: make noise before starting your car. Pound on the hood, slam the door, or honk the horn before starting the engine.

Last, give cats some time to escape. They can be wedged securely into nooks and crannies under the hood. After making noise, wait a moment or two before starting the engine to give any uninvited guests a chance to wriggle free and clear.

Let's all be vigilant to avoid these preventable injuries for our feline friends this winter.

Photo credit: Olga Berrios
