
Mmm, Thanksgiving. Family, friends, and a big meal - and a chance for our pets to overindulge as well. Keep your animal family members healthy this holiday with these tips:

  • The Thanksgiving feast is for people – not pets. Table scraps may seem like a fun way to include your pet in the holiday, but some table foods are directly poisonous to pets, including onions, garlic, chocolate, raisins, and grapes. 
  • Watch your leftovers.  A turkey carcass left in an open trash container or one that’s easily opened could prove deadly if the family pet finds it. A pet that “discovers” the carcass or overindulges in any rich food can develop pancreatitis, which is extremely dangerous. Watch your pet for vomiting, lethargy, or decreased appetite.  If you suspect this has happened, call us at the Montgomery Animal Hospital immediately. Dispose of turkey carcasses in a covered, tightly secured container along with anything used to wrap or tie the meat and any bones left on plates. 
  • Desserts and pets don’t mix. An artificial sweetener called Xylitol can be deadly to dogs. Xylitol is frequently seen in chewing gum and some baked goods. So play it safe and don’t share your dessert with Fido or Fluffy. Want to treat your pet on Thanksgiving? Buy a treat that is made just for them. Your pet will enjoy the treat just as much, and chances are you won’t spend the holiday at the emergency clinic.
  • For some pets, houseguests can be scary. Some pets are shy or excitable around new people, and Thanksgiving often means new people will be visiting. If you know your dog or cat can be overwhelmed when people come over, put them in another room or a crate so they’re out of the frenzy and feel safe. You might even want to consider boarding them to remove them completely from this upsetting situation. If your pet is particularly upset by houseguests, give us a call about possibly using sedatives to get through the holiday.
  • If pets are comfortable around guests, make sure you watch them closely when your houseguests are entering or leaving to make sure your four-legged family member doesn’t make a break for it out the door and become lost.
  • Decorations can be dangerous. As you dress your Thanksgiving table with a centerpiece and flowers, remember to keep them up and away from your pets. Some decorations look good enough to eat, and pets may decide to have a taste. Depending on the flower or decoration, this can result in stomach upset or worse. Lilies, in particular, are deadly to cats. Pine cones and needles, if consumed by a pet, can cause an intestinal blockage or even perforate the animal’s intestine.
  • Fire, kids and pets make a bad combination. Dinner by candlelight can provide an elegant atmosphere for a holiday meal. And what isn’t cozy about having a fire in the fireplace when guests arrive? But where there’s a flame, there’s the opportunity for disaster. Make sure you’re careful to keep children and pets away from any open flame or fire. And if you’re not sure you can ensure their safety in the holiday commotion, use battery operated candles and forget the fire in the fireplace. 

For more information, visit the AVMA holiday tips:

We wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

photo credit Steve Corey
