
Spring is the ideal time to reevaluate your homeowners insurance needs. For instance, as you air out your home and give it a good spring cleaning, it's the perfect opportunity to develop an inventory of your possessions to determine if you have enough coverage. Allstar Insurance, the premier home, RV, and renters insurance agency in Lincoln, NE, discusses what to consider when reevaluating your home insurance policy. This information should help you protect yourself and your assets as thoroughly as possible.

What to Consider When Evaluating Your Homeowners Insurance Needs This Spring

Do You Need More Liability Coverage?

Homeowners insuranceAs the temperature warms up, more children and neighbors will be out and about, which could raise your risk of liability. For example, if there is a new pool or trampoline on your property, it could result in injuries or even a lawsuit. Have you gotten a dog in the past year? Even the most mild-manner pup can react when provoked, and medical treatment is expensive. Consider the changes in your life that potentially require for you to raise your liability insurance limits to protect your assets better.

Have You Remodeled the Home?

If you have remodeled or plan to remodel your home this spring, update your dwelling coverage to reflect the increased value. Ask a builder to provide an estimate of the replacement value of the house and raise your limit accordingly.

Have You Bought Any Expensive Items?

During your spring cleaning chores, make a note of any expensive items purchased in the last year, and raise your personal property coverage to reflect the changes. For some high value items like jewelry, artwork, and collectibles, you may need to have them appraised and purchase a rider for an additional premium.

Your situation, and therefore your homeowners insurance needs, can change over the course of a year, so reevaluate your policy each spring and update it as necessary. For valuable advice and guidance, contact Allstar Insurance in Lincoln, NE. They've helped clients throughout the region protect their assets since 1995. They also specialize in mobile home, renters, and auto insurance, so consider bundling your policies. Visit the website to view a map and office hours, or call (402) 477-0900 to request a quote.
