
Dental plaque is the clear, sticky film that forms on teeth above and below the gum line. It is the precursor to tartar, or white calculus that can only be removed by a dentist. Left unchecked, tartar results in gingivitis and gum disease among other dental health issues. Here, the team at Aina Haina Dental Group in Honolulu, HI explain what plaque is made of and how you can prevent it from forming.

Plaque’s Main Ingredients

Plaque is a type of microbial biofilm. When the bacteria living in your mouth feed on the carbohydates you consume, they produce acids that decay tooth enamel. These acids combine with saliva and remaining food particles to create the biofilm. Plaque can also reach the roots of teeth and lead to bone breakdown and tooth loss. Bone loss is one of the many reasons advanced gum disease is so detrimental to the human body.

What You Can Do to Prevent Plaque

gum diseaseBrushing your teeth for two minutes twice daily and flossing once daily are the most plaque prevention techniques. However, you can do more. Maintaining a healthy diet is key since mouth bacteria love anything with sugar or starch. Focus on fruits and vegetables that act as natural teeth cleaners instead, such as apples, celery, and carrots.

Preventing plaque buildup and dental health problems such as gum disease also requires seeing your dentist for professional teeth cleanings every six months. This essential preventative measure removes tartar and plaque. Depending on your current oral health, your dentist may suggest rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash every day. You may also be a good candidate for a dental sealant, or a thin coating that protects your enamel from decay.

Schedule a teeth cleaning with Aina Haina Dental Group to avoid gingivitis, gum disease, and other oral health issues. This dental health clinic has proudly served Oahu communities since 1976 with a full suite of general dentistry services, including tooth filling and root canal treatments. Call (808) 373-2184 to make your appointment or visit the website for additional service information.
