
If hard water flows from your taps, you will notice a cloudy, whitish film over the fixtures. These deposits are due to calcium, among other minerals, and interfere with household water streams. The drain cleaning and plumbing service at Drain Doctor in Levelland, TX, uses state-of-the-art equipment to keep your pipes and fixtures operating smoothly; here, they explain what you should know about calcium stains.

What Are Calcium Stains?

Calcium is a chemical element and alkaline earth metal found in many foods, as well as groundwater. Water acquires soluble mineral particles as it flows underground, resulting in the hard water many homeowners deal with. Stains occur because calcium doesn’t dissolve fully when it interacts with the mineral. It creates a coagulated soap curd that builds up in pipes, leaves marks on flatware and silverware, dulls hair, and creates stains on faucets.

How Do You Get Rid of Them?

plumbingRid your fixtures of calcium stains with white vinegar and a soft-bristled scrub brush. Create an effective, nontoxic cleaner by combining a quarter of a cup of vinegar per cup of water and pouring the mixture into a spray bottle. Saturate soft, clean cloths with the solution and place them over calcium-encrusted fixtures. Let the mixture loosen the calcium for about 15 minutes before scrubbing the remaining residue with your brush. Wipe down the fixtures with clean cloths or paper towels, so they sparkle once again.

How Can You Prevent Them?

Prevent calcium stains from returning by installing a water softener system. Discuss the best water-softening product with your plumbing team, and rely on their expertise to install your selection quickly and effectively. Water softeners offer a variety of benefits, including eliminating calcium stains on fixtures.

Don’t let calcium buildup or another issue cause problems in your household. Rely on the expert team at Drain Doctor to provide the effective drain cleaning and plumbing services you need to enjoy a more functional home. Call (806) 894-3796 today to schedule an appointment for plumbing work, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
