
Furnaces serve a single, very important purpose of keeping your home at a comfortable temperature. If something goes wrong, you will need furnace repairs to maintain temperature regulation. The HVAC maintenance professionals at Rapids Sheet Metal Heating & Cooling understand how frustrating it can be to deal with a problem, particularly when it comes on suddenly. Based in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, their team explains how you can tell it’s time to contact a professional for furnace repairs.

5 Signs Your Furnace Needs to Be Repaired

1. You Detect an Odor

An odor is one of the most obvious signs that your furnace may have a problem. If you smell gas, it could be due to a broken heat exchanger, an overheating part, or a leak. Note that gas tends to smell very distinctively like sulfur, making it easy to detect. Turn off the furnace and the gas valve, and then contact a heating contractor to tackle the issue quickly.

2. The Energy Bills Rise

A sudden increase in your electric bills isn’t a good sign, particularly if you aren’t using the furnace more than usual. The ducts may need to be cleaned, or there may be a faulty part causing the unit to run inefficiently. A furnace repair professional can inspect the system to determine the cause of your elevated utility bills.

furnace repair3. The Unit Is Aging

Older HVAC systems aren’t designed to meet the needs of modern households. Aging furnaces tend to break down more often, requiring attention for everything from dirty filters to poor heat production and strange noises. Remember that the average lifespan of a furnace is 15 years. If you live in an older home, it’s worth contacting a heating contractor to determine whether or not it’s time for a new unit.

4. You Hear Odd Noises

You can be certain that your furnace needs attention if it starts making strange thumping or banging sounds. Different noises indicate different problems; for example, rattling inside may signal a loose part while banging might suggest that gas is building up inside the furnace. No matter the reason, only a qualified HVAC maintenance expert can resolve the issue.

5. It Lacks Regular Maintenance

If it has been a while since your unit was last inspected, it’s worth scheduling furnace repairs. Under normal circumstances, filters should be changed regularly. If your unit hasn’t been inspected lately, there’s a good chance your filters are dirty, compromising the functionality of the furnace. This can overwork your furnace and cause it to develop problems quickly.

Don’t let too much time pass before you have your furnace inspected. Whether it’s underperforming, not working at all, or needs some attention after a long while, trust the team at Rapids Sheet Metal Heating & Cooling. Serving Wisconsin Rapids and Stevens Point since 1915, this company has experience with all types of furnaces, ensuring efficient repairs. Visit their website to schedule a free estimate, and call them at (715) 421-5555 to schedule furnace repair.
