
Dealing with unwelcome animals that invade your personal space can be frustrating and alarming. One of the most common areas they’re likely to populate is your trash can. Even the mere scent of garbage is enough to attract those creatures. What can be done? According to A.S.A.P. Critter People, the leading critter removal team in Cleves, OH, there are several steps that you can take. Here’s what you should know.

Critter Removal Experts Share 3 Ways to Prevent Your Trash From Attracting Animals

1. Close It Tightly

Sometimes a loose lid is all it takes for those critters to make their way into the can. Be mindful of how secure it is, and take the time to press it down tightly so that the entire top is completely covered. Don’t overfill the can so no waste escapes. You can find a trashcan with a screw-on top or place something heavy on top to prevent movement. This will greatly minimize the odds that you’ll need an opossum or raccoon control service to handle the problem.

critter removal2. Toss Trash Responsibly

How you dispose of your trash can play a big role in your critter control efforts. According to the critter removal experts, you should rinse off containers and empty cans before disposal; the fewer consumables there are in the can, the less likely that animals will be attracted to the garbage. You can also “layer” your trash by tossing odorous foods to the bottom and placing other, less smelly trash on top.

3. Stow the Can Inside

If the problem seems insurmountable, you might consider simply moving your trashcan inside until garbage day arrives. You can keep it in a garage or a shed and fill it up as needed. When trash day arrives, simply roll it out and take precautions to keep the lid closed.

In some cases, you’ll need the assistance of an animal removal service. The critter removal specialists at A.S.A.P. Critter People understand it can be difficult to deal with stubborn animals that won’t go away despite your best efforts. Visit their website to learn about their wildlife removal and raccoon control services, or call (513) 941-0258 to schedule an appointment.
