
Most dental problems can be handled during office hours, but sometimes you need the assistance of an emergency dentist. Trauma or injury to the mouth is particularly common when playing sports, but there are other times when you need a dentist right away. This quick guide covers three serious dental emergencies and how to handle them.

3 Situations That Require an Emergency Dentist

Swollen Face

A swollen face is usually the sign of an infection of a tooth, the bone, or your gums. This is a very serious situation and requires the assistance of an emergency dentist. If you can’t get a hold of your dentist, you must go to the nearest emergency room, because an infection in your mouth could be fatal. In the meantime, it’s important to stay upright and drink plenty of fluids.

Gum Abscess

emergency dentistIf you notice a swollen area of your gums that looks like a pimple, you’re dealing with an abscess. This is an infection that will require a root canal and possibly antibiotics. In severe cases, the tooth may have to be extracted. You must see your dentist as soon as possible to get the infection under control.

Knocked Out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth requires fast and decisive action. If you can get to the dentist quickly, they may be able to reimplant the tooth. You must keep it in a container of milk or saline solution, or put it back in your mouth to prevent it from drying out in the meantime. Be cautious with young children, as they could swallow the tooth. You can also try reinserting the tooth back into the socket after rinsing it briefly under cold water for 10 seconds, but be careful not to touch the roots and to insert it the right way. Then keep your mouth closed until you get to the dentist office. Baby teeth generally do not need to be reimplanted if they are knocked out.


If you need an emergency dentist, Coulee Family Dental is ready to assist. They have 40 years of experience and the latest technologies at their disposal to provide you with the dental services you need. Their dental team in La Crosse, WI, focuses on preventive care, but they’re ready to relieve toothaches and other pains. Visit the website for more information on their services, or call (608) 782-3102 to make an appointment today.
