
For homeowners living in rural areas, a properly functioning septic system is essential for eliminating wastewater. But how often do these systems need to be pumped and cleaned? As the residential plumbing team at Reader Plumbing & Septic in Freedom, WI, explains, understanding the individual factors for your household will help you determine the right schedule.

Tank & Household Size

The size of your septic tank — especially in relation to the size of your home — is the first factor to consider when determining a pumping schedule. For example, a three-bedroom home should have a tank capacity of at least 1,000 gallons. As the number of occupants increases, so does the recommended tank size. 

A properly sized tank for your household will need to be inspected by a residential plumbing business every two to three years. An undersized tank will fill up faster, so plan for more frequent service.

Usage Habits

residential plumbingProper sizing isn’t the only factor to consider when establishing a residential plumbing pumping schedule. The use of a garbage disposal, water softener, or sump pump all increase household water usage, which in turn will raise the frequency with which you should schedule cleanings. Homes that use a garbage disposal regularly, for example, should pump their septic tanks each year.

Running certain in-home businesses, such as a hair salon or daycare, as well as hosting large numbers of guests multiple times each month, will also increase wastewater production. Homeowners in these situations should schedule inspections every one to two years.

Whether you need septic tank pumping or drain cleaning services, Reader Plumbing & Septic can handle all your household plumbing needs. With over 40 years in business, they boast extensive experience and commitment to customer satisfaction. They also offer bathroom remodeling work. To learn more about their residential plumbing services, visit them online or call (920) 788-2527 today.
