
While certain objects may seem more obvious than others as items to never flush, it’s common to accidentally expel ones that damage your system. Though your local plumber will always be available for an emergency toilet repair, it’s helpful to know more about these hazardous products and keep them away. The team at Wild West Plumbing, Heating & Drain Service, serving the Flathead Valley community of Montana, shares five articles homeowners often mistakenly toss.

What Objects Should You Avoid Flushing?

1. Paper Products

Apart from those designed for the toilet, paper products are not safe to flush. Facial tissues, dryer sheets, and paper towels are not built to disintegrate properly. Since they don’t dissolve on contact with moisture, they can easily clog the pipes.

2. Hygiene Products

Plumbers warn that feminine hygiene products aren’t toilet-safe. Tampons are designed to absorb fluid, so they can grow many times larger when immersed in water. Once expanded, they become prime culprits for stubborn clogs.

3. Plastic Products

Flathead Valley, MT plumberIt’s not unusual for kids to flush small plastic toys down the toilet. Though most adults are aware that plastic doesn’t dissolve in water, they don’t always realize which items are made of this difficult material. Common offenders include bandages, which are made with plastic and cause problems in the pipes.

4. Cotton Products

Anything made with cotton is strictly off limits, including tiny swabs. If flushed, they can get caught in the cracks as they make their way through the septic system, forcing a slow-building clog. And since the material doesn’t break down easily, it will eventually lead to a substantial blockage.

5. Edible Products

If it’s edible, it can’t be flushed. That’s especially true of items like grease and fat, which quickly congeal and cause immediate, stubborn blockages in the pipes. You’ll likely need to contact an emergency plumbing professional if you encounter this problem. Even though food is biodegradable, small and large pieces can clog and cause issues.

Whether you accidentally flushed something improper down the toilet or you need a reliable plumber for a repair, septic system inspection, or emergency situation, you can trust the team at Wild West Plumbing, Heating & Drain Service. Their fully licensed contractors will find an affordable and effective solution to your problem. Visit the website for more information on how they can assist, or call (406) 752-1244 to schedule an appointment today.
