
Whether it’s due to poor dental hygiene or an injury, many adults lose a tooth at some point in their lives. Fortunately, it’s possible to preserve it and maybe even reinsert it, but swift action needs to be taken. Along with scheduling an appointment with an emergency dentist, there are a few other steps you should take if you lose a tooth as an adult.

Dental Hygiene Professionals List 3 Steps to Take if You Lose a Permanent Tooth

1. Keep the Tooth Clean

If you must remove it from your mouth, only touch the tooth by its crown. Grabbing it by the root might affect its quality, and dental hygiene experts say they may not be able to reinsert it. Once it’s removed, rinse it to make sure it’s as clean as possible. You can use water, a sterile saline solution, or even milk. Never use soap, as this can cause damage.

2. Put It Back in the Socket

dental hygieneOnce the tooth is sufficiently clean, try to put it back into the socket until you can see a dentist. Your saliva will help preserve it and also increases the chances it can be saved. If you’re unable to replace the tooth, fill a container with milk and keep it in there.

3. See a Dentist Immediately

In most cases, teeth need to be replaced within an hour after they fall out if there’s any chance of saving them. That’s why it’s important to contact a dentist as soon as possible. If you’re unable to see one in time, or your dentist believes the procedure will not be successful, there are other options, such as dental implants, which mimic the look and feel of natural teeth.


If you lose a tooth in Chillicothe or Jackson, OH, William U. Britton DDS, MAGD will try to replace it. For more than 35 years, he has offered dental hygiene, extraction, and other general dentistry services to area residents. He and his team work with patients of all ages. Schedule an appointment by calling (740) 772-2225. You can also visit him online to learn more.
