
According to a recent study, one in eight people has dentin hypersensitivity—or sensitive teeth. Despite this high statistic, many people don’t reach out to their dentists about this issue or their concerns with it. The experts at Dental Distinctions in Kalispell, MT, believe in happy and healthy clients and are here to explain why tooth sensitivity should be a greater concern.

3 Signs You Should Ask Your Dentist About Sensitive Teeth

1. Eating Hot or Cold Foods Is Painful

While this pain is temporary and might even come and go over time, it’s not something that should be overlooked. In fact, it could be an important warning sign of a larger tooth issue like decay or cavities. Both of these conditions could leave your highly sensitive roots vulnerable to temperature swings.

2. Eating Hard or Soft Foods Is Difficult 

dentistsEven if your food isn’t super hot or cold, you might experience discomfort or pain while eating. This normally starts with hard foods because they require more effort to chew. If left unchecked by a trained dentist, however, your issues could worsen to the point that even soft foods are difficult or painful to eat. 

3. Brushing Your Teeth Hurts

While you should be brushing your teeth and flossing daily, there might be times when you experience a sharp or dull pain. You should immediately call your dentist for a checkup, as this can be indicative of a cracked tooth, gum disease, or weak enamel. If this is the case, they will fix your teeth and recommend a soft-bristled toothbrush and special toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. 

If these signs sound familiar, it’s important to your overall oral health to contact a dentist. The dental experts at Dental Distinctions work hard to create an inviting atmosphere where you can ask all of your questions. They will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan for all of your needs, including teeth cleaning and any cosmetic dentistry you might want. Call (406) 755-4166 today to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their practice.
