
The symptoms of dry eye are uncomfortable and can impact your vision. They may also indicate an abnormal eye condition, so it is important to visit an optometrist for advice and treatment. Below are a few of the most common side effects of dry eye that confirm the need to consult an eye doctor.

Optometrists’ Top Dry Eye Symptoms 

1. Irritation 

A recurring burning or stinging in your eyes may indicate a dry eye condition. Some patients also describe a stinging, gritty, or scratchy sensation. These ailments often indicate your eyes are not making enough tears. 

Optometrist2. Sensitivity 

Many people with dry eyes also experience light sensitivity. If you are often squinting or uncomfortable in bright natural or indoor light, talk to your physician. You should also let them know if you have trouble seeing while driving at night. They will determine if your symptoms are caused by decreased tear production or another issue. 

3. Redness 

Dryness may cause the whites of your eyes to appear red and inflamed. Make an appointment with your eye doctor if over-the-counter eye drops do not relieve the condition, or if you are using drops frequently. They will want to determine the reason why you are experiencing recurring redness.

4. Fuzziness 

An imbalance in the composition of your tears may lead to blurry vision. See your eye doctor if your sight appears hazy or cloudy. This could be a symptom of chronic dry eye or another vision problem. 

5. Watering 

If your eyes are often watery, you may not think you have the symptoms of dry eye. However, too much moisture means your body is responding irritation. Your optometrist will evaluate if the excess tears are due to optical inflammation. 


If you have any of the symptoms above, see a vision specialist. Lieblong Eye Clinic in River Valley, AR, provides comprehensive dry eye exams for patients. Once you have an evaluation, your doctor can provide you with a customized treatment plan. To schedule an appointment with an optometrist, call (479) 968-2020. For information about eye doctor Dr. Jim Lieblong and his vision care staff, visit their website
