
Proper oral hygiene is essential to avoiding issues like gum infections. If you suspect your gums have become infected, it’s important to schedule a visit with the dentist for immediate treatment. If left alone, infected gums can lead to a painful mouth and more serious conditions like periodontitis, which can damage the tissue around the teeth.

Gum Disease Treatment

Once the dentist confirms your symptoms are from gum disease, they will work with you to decide on a treatment plan. They vary depending on how severe the infection is, current medications you take, and your previous medical and dental history.

One of the most common treatments is antibiotics in pill or injection form, which kill off the infection from inside the body. Your dentist may also recommend root scale cleaning and planing to remove bacteria deep between the gums down to the roots of the teeth. More serious treatments include a gingivectomy procedure to remove badly infected gum tissue, and even flap surgery, which often requires the use of bone or tissue grafts.

Gum Infection Prevention

dentistThere are many ways to maintain good oral hygiene and drastically reduce your risk for infections in the gums. The easiest task to keep your gums healthy is brushing twice daily. You should create a routine and remain diligent about it—no matter how hectic or busy the day may get. Using anti-gingivitis toothpaste and mouthwash further helps ward off the buildup of bacteria along the gum line. It’s also essential to floss at least once a day, making sure to rub the floss around the gum of each tooth.

Another way to ward off and detect early signs of gum disease is by scheduling bi-annual exams with the dentist. At each visit, a dental hygienist will remove hard tartar buildup around the gums. The dentist will also examine your mouth, providing personalized advice on improving your oral hygiene practices to stay healthy.


Looking for a reliable dentist in Conyers, GA, who offers kind, gentle, and caring oral services? Contact Dr. Mark Shurett at Shurett Dental Group for quality dental care. Patients will feel comfortable the moment they step through the office doors, enjoying a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Dr. Shurett is skilled in a variety of areas from cavity treatments to cosmetic bonding to crowns and bridges. Call (770) 860-8760 to schedule an appointment. Visit the practice online for a complete list of dental services.
