
What you eat and drink affects more than just the way you feel; it also impacts the way you look. The experienced family dentists at Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Bryan County, GA, understand the role food and beverages play in your life, and how you could unknowingly cause stained teeth by what you consume. To help protect your smile, they are here to share a few common foods and drinks to avoid if you want your pearly whites to remain shining.

5 Foods & Drinks That Cause Stained Teeth

1. Carbonated Sodas

These addictive, sugary drinks can leave your teeth darker than before due to the acidity, as well as the often dark color of the liquid. Not only can they lead to stained teeth, but they can also dry out your mouth and help plaque build faster. 

2. Coffee

Many people drink coffee every day to help boost their mood and energy, but like carbonated sodas, the acidity and dark color leave your teeth less white. Additionally, you should avoid eating anything acidic after coffee, as your teeth are more vulnerable to staining after the drink. 

3. Tomato Sauce 

stained teethAs delicious as pizza and pasta are, the effects of marinara sauce can leave a lasting impression. If you eat this frequently, you can find your teeth stained with the tomatoes’ bright red hue.

4. Balsamic Vinegar

Though a healthy option for your salads, these naturally dark vinegar and vinaigrettes can cling to your teeth. The best way to be healthy and avoid staining is to eat lettuce, which can help dilute the dressing and keep your teeth sparkling. 

5. Berries

Despite being loaded with antioxidants, berries can leave your teeth darker than before. If these are a regular part of your diet, the best way to combat this is to brush your teeth immediately after eating.

If you are worried about stained teeth, call (912) 756-3880 to speak with the cosmetic dentists at Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. Their affordable and professional services will help you revitalize your smile. For more information on the practice and the services they provide, visit their website.
