
You might be familiar with the dangers of drinking contaminated water. All types of pollutants can affect the quality of your water and make it dangerous to consume or use for other purposes. If you discover that your water contains iron, for example, it’s important to act fast to remove it. The well drilling professionals at Ace Drilling in Polson, MT, are here to share a few side effects that can occur as a result of iron in your water.

How Iron Affects Your Water

1. Skin Concerns

well drillingIron is the type of impurity that can affect the water’s ability to properly interact with soap. This can hurt your skin and result in scum that collects on everything, including your sink and shower walls. That invisible layer of soap can even clog pores and lead to acne or dryness.

2. Flavor Problems

Excess quantities of iron in your well water are usually easy to detect. The taste is strongly metallic, and it can make it difficult to drink on its own or use to prepare tea or coffee. Most well drilling professionals advise against cooking with water that contains iron, too, as anything you cook will take on that metallic flavor and diminish the quality of the dish. Water treatment systems can filter out the harmful iron, along with other minerals, and render it safe to use.

3. Residue Concerns

Iron on its own leaves behind telltale signs everywhere it goes. It’s not an invisible mineral; when you use the water to clean something, it can stain the surface. This applies to everything from dishes to showers. These stains are unsightly and can be stubborn to remove. It helps to envision rust, which is the direct result of oxygen on iron.

Elevated iron levels in the well water can affect your home and health. If you’re concerned, a well drilling professional at Ace Drilling can test the quality of the water for you and suggest a treatment system. Owners Dave and Jay Bick bring 40 years of experience in well drilling and pump repairs to the area. Call the family-owned company today at (406) 883-3300 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
