
A hearing aid can make a tremendous difference in the life of a person suffering from hearing loss. However, to enjoy the full benefits of these devices, it is important to maintain them properly. That means replacing the battery before it dies—after all, you don’t want to be in the middle of a conversation, only to suddenly find yourself unable to hear the person to whom you are speaking. If you’re not sure how often you should change your battery, the following information will give you a better understanding.

How Often Should You Change a Hearing Aid Battery?

Factors to Consider

Hearing Aid It’s important to understand that not all batteries are the same. Some only last for three days. Some can last in excess of 10 days. The average lifespan is about a week, but you shouldn’t rely on averages to determine when yours needs replacing. Ask a listening device expert to explain precisely how long your model typically lasts.

Important Signals

Most hearing aid batteries will alert you with some form of signal when they’re almost out of power. Usually it will emit a beeping noise at regular intervals when this happens. For the most part, by the time a battery is emitting this type of signal, its power is beginning to decline rapidly and it should be replaced as soon as possible. If you’re going to be away from home for a day or more, bring an extra battery—just in case you receive an alert when you’re too far away from home.

Again, if you have any concerns, discuss them with a hearing loss expert. They’ll help you better understand how to maintain your hearing devices.


If you need a quality hearing aid, get in touch with the professionals at Solbrig Hearing Center, in Kerrville, TX. For over 15 years, they’ve offered the devices you need, along with evaluations to determine exactly how substantial your hearing problems are. Contact them online to learn more about what they can do for you, or call (830) 895-5900.
