
Symptoms of depression are numerous and varied. One common symptom is a feeling of guilt, even when there isn’t anyone at fault. Some patients feel guilty for having a mental illness; others feel overly discouraged by other responsibilities, like performing well at work, treating their partner lovingly, or taking care of themselves and exercising. Luckily, through counseling with a mental health professional, these feelings can be addressed. 

Why Do People With Depression Experience Guilt?

It’s easy to assume that feelings of guilt reflect actual wrongdoing. However, patients with depression can sometimes experience this emotion as another symptom of their mental illness. A counselor can help reframe the experience for patients, so they can address the underlying cause of their guilty feelings and move forward. 

How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help?

depressionAlthough every patient is different and requires their own unique approach to treatment, specialists often rely on cognitive behavioral therapy to help patients overcome misplaced guilt. Cognitive behavioral therapy involves learning to identify negative patterns of thinking that could trigger unhappy emotional states. The better you are at noticing when these thoughts are forming, the better you’ll be at stopping them and shifting your attention elsewhere.

What Are Some Ways to Combat Feelings of Guilt in the Moment?

If you feel guilty emotions coming on, it’s often helpful to take a few moments to center yourself and regain clarity. Remaining relaxed and clear will allow you to utilize the tools you learn in therapy and combat the negative feelings. For example, use breathing exercises or personal mantras to maintain a sense of emotional strength and calm, so you can get to the root of your thoughts and handle them accordingly. 


If you need help managing your depression, the team at Daymark Recovery Services is here to assist. They will provide a thorough assessment and top-quality referrals to ensure you get the exact form of treatment needed. With access to a wide range of specialists, from mental health counselors to addiction treatment professionals, they will help you achieve a happy and healthy life. Visit them online today to learn more about what they will do for you.
