
Prescription contact lenses from an eye doctor provide a way for those with imperfect vision to see clearly again. In general, they are easy-to-use. However, some users are prone to making a few mistakes. By understanding these mistakes and correcting them, you will find they wear even more comfortably.

3 Common Contact Lens Mistakes

1. Sleeping in Contacts

Because they are so comfortable, it can be easy to forget you're wearing contacts. However, it is imperative that you remove them at night before going to sleep. This is because the lens is made from a thin plastic material. Though it is safe to wear for a few hours at a time, it does act as a barrier. This impairs oxygen from getting to your cornea. Thus, sleeping in your contacts can prevent proper oxygenation of the eyeball.

2. Wetting Contacts in Water

eye doctorIf you need to re-wet your contact lens for any reason, you may be tempted to splash it with water instead of using solution. Eye doctors warn that this can be potentially dangerous, as that water contains chemicals. Chlorine or bacteria can grab onto your lens and get into your eyes. This could lead to infection. Keep a travel-size solution kit with you at all times to avoid this mishap.

3. Not Washing Your Hands

Your eyes are incredibly sensitive. What touches them runs the risk of also getting into your bloodstream. That is why it is so important to ensure your hands are cleaned before inserting contact lenses. Bacteria, viruses, and even dirt can transfer to your eye. Not only could this cause infection or sickness, it could actually lead to a scratch on your cornea. Always wash your hands with soap and water and dry them using a lint-free towel.


Avoid these three mistakes to ensure the health of your eyes. Don't forget to visit your eye doctor yearly, as this is a key part of your health. Those in Cincinnati, OH, trust Wing Eyecare. With a professional staff and top-quality equipment, they provide exceptional services and products. From prescription sunglasses to unique eyeglass frames, they will help you discover your next look. For more information, visit their website or call (888) 274-9464 today.
