
Trees are a valuable part of our landscape. They supply us with life-giving oxygen, provide shade, boost property values, and help lower energy costs. Proper maintenance, like tree trimming and the right fertilizer, is essential for their continued growth and well-being.

How to Keep Trees Healthy

1. Know What the Tree Needs

Research what the tree requires to thrive, such as the amount of water or type of soil it needs, how resistant to drought the tree is, or what it's sensitive to. This information will be useful to gardeners or arborists who will be looking after the trees.

2. Prune Properly

Tree trimming improves the strength and structure of the tree. It's also crucial to know what cut is needed. Make sure to consult with a licensed arborist when dealing with large trees.

3. Engage in Pest & Disease Control

tree trimmingPests like adelgids, caterpillars, or Japanese beetles weaken trees or wreak significant damage to them. Consult a specialist regarding the control of these insects. Find out what diseases a particular tree species is vulnerable to.

4. Safeguard the Roots

Cars and other heavy equipment should never be permitted to park or drive over a tree's root area. They cause the soil to be compacted, reduce the available oxygen, and kill roots. Consult with an arborist first before digging around a tree or removing soil as this could damage the root system and cause the tree to die.

5. Fertilize Only When Needed

Not all trees need to be fertilized yearly. Only fertilize trees that have yellowing leaves or are growing poorly. Do a soil test first to check what nutrients the tree needs.


If you want to keep your trees safe and well-maintained, then you need the services of a reliable arborist like Eldridge Arborist & Landscaping. Located in Oak Ridge, NC, this family-owned business offers tree trimming, snow removal, and stump grinding. Check out their website or call (336) 423-7133 to talk to one of their licensed contractors.
