
From lost income to mounting medical bills, sustaining catastrophic injuries can threaten anyone’s financial security. Although accident victims can pursue compensation from the liable party by filing a personal injury claim, securing the funds can be a lengthy process. With a seasoned attorney by your side, however, you can avoid making critical mistakes that would otherwise delay the case. Below, the compassionate team at Achille Law, PC, in Brookville, PA, explains the various stages of the proceedings, so you know what to expect every step of the way.

Understanding the Timeline of a Personal Injury Lawsuit

1. Filing the Claim

After gathering evidence of your injuries and the damages incurred, your attorney will file a third-party claim with the liable party’s insurance provider. An insurance adjuster will review the documentation to determine if there is enough proof of their policyholder’s negligence to offer a settlement. If so, negotiations will begin.

2. Negotiating for Compensation

In rare instances, the opposing party will agree that the settlement amount in the claimant’s demand letter is fair, and the case will end there. In most scenarios, however, the insurance adjuster will counter with a much lower number, and negotiations will begin. If a settlement can be reached, the insurance company will issue a check to the accident victim. Most personal injury cases are resolved in this way and don’t go to trial.

3. Filing a Lawsuit & Entering the Discovery Phase

personal injuryIf a settlement cannot be reached, the claimant’s attorney will file a lawsuit, and the discovery phase will begin. During this stage, both parties attempt to gather evidence to further their case. This might include medical records, police reports, witness depositions, and expert witness testimony.

4. Negotiating for Compensation

Once the discovery phase ends, the case will enter a second round of negotiations based on the strength of the evidence that both parties were able to gather. If they still can’t reach a settlement, mediation may follow. If the stalemate persists, the case will finally proceed to trial.

5. Going Before a Judge

If the case reaches trial, both parties will present the evidence they gathered during the initial claims process and subsequent legal proceedings. The presiding judge or jury will use this information to determine liability and deny compensation or award the plaintiff with a settlement they deem fair.

If you were hurt because of someone else’s negligence, turn to Achille Law, PC. After reviewing your case, a strategic lawyer on their team can help you devise the most effective way to secure the compensation you deserve. You can learn more about their various practice areas, including personal injury law, by visiting their website. To schedule an initial consultation with an attorney, call (814) 849-6701 today. 
