

Wisdom tooth removal is among the most common outpatient surgical procedures in the U.S., with most patients having the procedure between the ages of 17 to 21. If this is you, you’re not alone. About 85% of people will need to have their wisdom teeth removed. But, why do dentists and oral surgeons recommend the procedure for so many people? Here’s what you need to know.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

A small percent of people have no problems with their wisdom teeth, and an even smaller number—about two percent—don’t have any wisdom teeth at all. For the rest of the population, these teeth are problematic:

  • The Jaw Is Too Small to Accommodate Them: Most mouths don’t have room for 32 teeth. Wisdom teeth can push other teeth out of alignment over time.
  • wisdom toothYou Can Develop Cysts: A pus-filled sac can develop near the wisdom teeth, damaging the bone structure around the tooth.
  • Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Pain: Many people don’t see an oral surgeon about their wisdom teeth until they’re causing pain. The pain is caused by impacted teeth—ones that are unable to fully erupt because there’s no room in the jaw.
  • They’re Hard to Clean: Assuming your wisdom teeth come in perfectly and are not impacted, they are still difficult to brush and floss. Their location makes them susceptible to decay.

If you’re experiencing pain from wisdom teeth, ask your dentist to refer you to an oral surgeon. The pain will not get better until you have them removed—and you could spare yourself a possible infection if you have them removed as soon as they start to come in.


The oral surgeons at Oral Surgery Center, S.C. in Baraboo, WI, have the experience and expertise to provide unmatched patient care. Whether you need dental implants or a tooth extraction, you’ll feel more confident about the health and appearance of your teeth. Call (608) 356-2112 to schedule a consultation or ask your dentist for a referral. You can also contact them via Facebook if you have questions.  
