
If you're unsatisfied with your smile, Sarah E. Frye, DDS, PA, in Lexington, NC, can help. When you visit Dr. Frye, you’re presented with a plan for a complete smile makeover tailored to your dental needs. A smile makeover is a set of dental treatments that will completely transform your teeth. The exact treatments differ from patient to patient and can include a range of procedures, from simple teeth whitening to dental bridges and Invisalign®. 

Benefits of a Smile Makeover


Dental BridgesCrooked, yellowed, or missing teeth can leave you feeling self-conscious and afraid to smile. When you have a smile you can be proud of, you’re more willing to show it off, so you'll look and feel more confident.

Career Boost

People, including employers, often subconsciously judge people on their looks. A lackluster smile may give your boss the impression you're less competent than you really are. After a smile makeover, your talents can shine through more clearly.

Better Mood

When you smile, your brain releases endorphins, which increase your happiness. If your appearance makes you smile more often, you'll have an equivalent boost in mood, promoting mental health.

Health Benefits

Some cosmetic procedures also have health benefits. Dental bridges and other tooth replacement options prevent your remaining teeth from shifting. Straight teeth are easier to clean than crooked ones, so they're less prone to cavities. You can improve your looks and health at the same time by choosing the right treatment options.

An attractive smile will boost your quality of life. Contact the office of Sarah E. Frye, DDS, PA, today, and make an appointment to start your smile makeover. You can reach the practice at (336) 248-5057, and learn more about Dr. Frye's cosmetic dentistry services on her website, including dental bridges, implants, and bonding.
