
Excellent oral health is important to your quality of life. This means not only staying free of tooth pain and gum disease but ensuring your mouth looks attractive and functions correctly. If you’re missing one or more teeth, the installation of dental implants is an excellent way to boost your overall well-being.

3 Ways Dental Implants Improve Quality of Life

1. Boosted Confidence

Missing or damaged teeth make you feel self-conscious about your smile. Dental implants attach to your jaw permanently and are capped with porcelain crowns that blend in with your remaining teeth, letting you socialize with confidence. You won't have the anxiety of implants slipping or falling out as you would with dentures. 

2. Easier Chewing & Speaking

Dental implants Kerrville TXDental implants have durable titanium screws that secure to your jawbone, so you can eat your favorite foods without worrying. They also let you avoid speech issues that come with poor-fitting false teeth or ineffective dental adhesive. As a bonus, you care for dental implants as you do your teeth, so you can stick to the brushing and flossing routine recommended by your dentist.

3. Increased Overall Health

Dental implants let you avoid bone loss that results from missing teeth. They also help to prevent periodontal disease because they replace missing or damaged teeth that are susceptible to bacterial infections and inflammation. Periodontal disease can lead to a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or even Alzheimer’s disease if left untreated. 


Dental implants provide not only cosmetic results but increased overall health. If you would like to learn whether you’re a candidate for this procedure, contact Hill Country Dental Associates in Kerrville, TX. Call (830) 257-3000 to schedule an exam with one of their skilled general or pediatric dentists or make a request online. Like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter for more tips from their oral health care team. 
