
If you are buying a home or want more information on a property you’re selling, scheduling a house inspection is a crucial step you can take to protect yourself.

Below are some frequently asked questions about this important procedure: 

  • House inspections What Is a House Inspection?: A house inspection is a visual examination of the structure and premises of a residential building, usually made before the sale of the property. The home inspector—typically a trained and certified professional—looks for signs of damage, mechanical failure, or other problems that may require repairs. The price and ultimately the sale of a property often rests on the results of this analysis. 
  • How Long Does a House Inspection Take?: A house inspection usually takes two to three hours. If you have the time, it is often worthwhile to follow the inspector during the process and have them show you their findings.
  • How Long Does It Take to Get a Report?: With some house inspection services, it can take days to receive a report. However, a high-quality business will offer same-day reports to all its customers.  
  • Are Home Inspections Required by Law?: House inspections are not required by law, and most lenders do not require them before approving a mortgage. However, the Federal Housing Administration and many lenders will send an appraiser to evaluate the property.
  • Who Pays for a Home Inspection?: Buyers typically benefit the most from a home inspection and are often the ones to foot the bill. However, savvy sellers understand that paying for the report in advance shows they are open, honest, and transparent—qualities buyers will appreciate.


Twin City Home Inspections Inc. is the buyers' and sellers' choice for house inspections in Texarkana, TX. Visit their website for contact info or call (903) 276-9566 to schedule an inspection. Their friendly staff is happy to answer any questions you have pertaining to this essential process. 
