
During the summertime, you’ll be behind the wheel a lot more, enjoying the warmer weather and sunshine. Because of this, the professionals from Flat On The Spot Mobile Tire Service in Anchorage, AK, urge you to take care of your tires by providing them with the proper maintenance and replacing them if needed. However, they know that determining exactly when to repair or replace your vehicle’s treads is no small task, so they’ve compiled a few tips for you. 

3 Ways to Determine if Your Car’s Tires Are Summer-Ready

1. Proper Tread Depth

One way to be sure your car’s tires are ready to hit the road this summer is by certifying they’ve got the proper tread depth. You can do so by checking them with a penny: Simply place a penny in between your tire treads with Lincoln’s head right-side up; if you can see the top of his head, it means you’re in need of new tires. 

2. Maintain Suggested PSI Levels

tiresIf your want to prepare your tires for the increased use they’ll receive during the summertime, as well as reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle’s other components, it’s important to keep your tires properly inflated. Keeping your tires inflated at the PSI levels suggested in your driver’s manual will help prevent blowouts and flats, as well as improve your car’s gas mileage. 

3. Adequate Alignment

For your vehicle to function at peak performance levels, having your tires properly aligned is one of the best ways to start. Regularly aligning and rotating your tires will help promote even wear and tear, as well as minimize maintenance costs. By aligning your tires before hitting the road this summer, you’ll also be taking the proper preventative maintenance steps needed to increase their lifespan and reduce the risk of flats and blowouts. 

For more tire tips to help you prepare for summer, contact the tire services professionals from Flat On The Spot Mobile Tire Service today at (907) 242-0086. They also specialize in brakes and oil changes, so visit them online for a closer look at what they have to offer. 

