
You can practice perfect dental care around the clock, but unknowingly grinding your teeth can undo a lot of that hard work. The dental care team at Milford Dental in Milford, OH, advises that you address the issue quickly, as it can cause significant and costly damage. There can be many causes, but solutions are available; if you suspect you grind your teeth, read on to learn more.

3 Signs You’re Grinding Your Teeth & 3 Ways to Stop

1. Jaw Pain & Headaches

Extensive teeth grinding or clenching, known as bruxism, causes intense wear on jaw and facial muscles while you’re asleep. Headaches upon waking are the most common side effect, as well as stiffness and jaw pain. Lifestyle factors such as stress, excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, and smoking can cause this reaction, so look for daily triggers that may be affecting the quality of your sleep. A dentist can provide a thorough assessment and offer tips on how to overcome unhealthy habits.

2. Chipped or Damaged Teeth

dental careThe primary danger of bruxism is that it can be detrimental to tooth health. Aggressive clenching and grinding can wear down enamel, and in more serious cases, chip teeth. Causes may be related to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, so it’s important to have a doctor assess your sleeping habits. To keep your teeth safe, there are many available devices ranging from basic mouth guards to more complex jaw- and palate-adjusting pieces. Speak to a dental care professional at your next teeth cleaning about available devices.

3. Tongue & Inner-Cheek Abrasions

Back and forth grinding motions often damage the sides of your tongue and interiors of your cheeks. If you notice chronic abrasions or pain in these areas, stress-related issues may be the cause. For a more holistic solution, try stress management exercises and exams. Meditating before you sleep is a great way to calm yourself down, and attending therapy or hypnosis sessions has shown positive results in reducing stress-related teeth grinding.

It’s important to address teeth grinding early on, as it can lead to chronic pain that requires expensive treatment. Milford Dental can provide a full assessment and dental care tips at your next visit, so call (513) 575-9600 today to schedule an appointment. If you’ve already suffered damage from grinding, visit their website to learn more about their cosmetic dentistry services.
