
Everybody wants a picture-perfect smile, but it’s hard to achieve if you have missing teeth. Getting dentures suitable for your needs is something only dentists can help you with. For your denture and other dental health needs, Nayaug Family Dental in South Glastonbury, CT is the family dentist you need. Dentist appointments are a breeze with their compassionate and friendly approach toward patients.

To help you get your smile back, their dentists explain the different types of dentures you can choose from:

  • Partial: This kind of dental accessory is used when the patient still has one or more natural teeth remaining in the upper or lower jaw. It can be attached permanently to other teeth as a bridge or to a removable plastic base.
  • Complete: This type of denture is used when you’ve lost all of your teeth. For those who can afford to go without teeth for a while, a conventional type is made where the patient waits a month and a half for the gums to heal before it is made. The immediate type is made for patients who need or want teeth without having to wait for the gums to heal; however, the disadvantage is that this type would need adjustments later on.
  • Imdenturesplants: These are more expensive to have and are made through implants to your jawbone with the fake teeth attached to the implants. This requires several visits to your family dentist and availability depends on the equipment present. Unlike typical dentures, implants are non-removable.

To learn more about dentures and other dental concerns that you might have, visit Nayaug Family Dental today or give them a call at (860) 633-6167 to make an appointment. You can also download your new patient form and learn more about the services that they offer by visiting their website!
