
Halloween is just around the corner and a great time for children dentists such as Paul K. Seo, D.D.S., M.S. at Dentistry For Kids in Pearl City to remind parents about the importance of their children’s oral health. On this one night, kids can build quite a stockpile of treats that can present dental health challenges. While parents may not eliminate all the treats, they can do some things to insure that Halloween treats don’t play tricks on their children’s teeth.

  • Maintain a healthy mouth: Regular dental visits help to insure a healthy mouth. Any developing problems are best caught early when they are easier to “treat”. Proper oral hygiene care can keep one’s teeth in the best shape to help resist against those sugary villains.
  • All sugars are not created equal: The length of time sugary food is in your mouth increases risk for tooth decay. Avoid hard candies like lollipops that you tend to keep in your mouth longer or sticky candies like gummy bears that cling to your teeth for awhile. It may be best to have the treats shortly after meals to limit temptation to fill up on sugary rather than nutritious foods.
  • Investigate alternatives: Research may not strongly support that sugar-free candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol is effective in combating bacteria. However, sugarless varieties of candies may still be better than those with sugar and will help to stimulate saliva flow which can lessen the effects of plaque acids.

As it is almost impossible to avoid candies at Halloween, parents should do as much as possible to limit its impact on their precious one’s teeth. Enjoying treats responsibly leads to fewer problems. The children dentist team at Dentistry For Kids hope you enjoy and have a safe Halloween. But if your child experiences a toothache while eating candy, we recommend a prompt dental visit. To set up an appointment with one of the best pediatric dentists in Pearl City, call (808) 486-8881. You can also visit Dentistry For Kids online form more information.
