
From brown spots to mold, a variety of symptoms indicate lawn diseases. The lawn care experts at Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation will help you pinpoint problem areas and provide a variety of lawn treatments to cure them. Serving Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding areas, these lawn services and irrigation specialists offer an array of lawn cures, from fertilization to aeration.

Here, they describe the symptoms of three lawn diseases and their respective lawn care treatments:

  • Dollar Spot: So-called dollar spots are identifiable by brown spots, usually two to six inches in diameter. Affecting bluegrass and ryegrass, this disease results from wet foliage or drought soils. Regular fertilizer and appropriate disposal of grass clippings will help prevent this disease. 
  • lawn careFairy Ring: A fairy ring stands out as a large arc or ring of either unnaturally green or dead grass. It may also grow mushrooms. You can usually prevent fairy rings from forming by removing old organic matter, like rotting lumber and tree stumps, from the soil before planting your garden. Proper fertilization and aeration will also help.
  • Brown Patch: Hot and wet weather can lead to infections that cause grass to die and become discolored. The result is tan circles on your lawn, which can grow to three feet in diameter. To stave off this nasty lawn disease, avoid overusing fertilizers high in nitrogen. Additionally, watering early in the day allows grass to dry off, keeping grass from sitting in the moist state that breeds this disease.  

If you suspect your lawn is suffering from a disease, contact Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation as soon as possible. The quicker you catch a problem, the easier it will be to restore your grass to its healthy green hue. If you’re in Cincinnati, OH, or the surrounding areas, trust these lawn care and irrigation pros to help. Visit their website or call (513) 755-9434 to make an appointment.


