
Whenever you start a construction project, it's important to take every aspect into consideration: your budget, the amount of time it will take, the measurements, and so on. The materials you use are also a very important part of your project's success. Builder's Concrete East, the top concrete suppliers in Windham, has just the products you need to achieve the best results.

They offer many different types of ready mixed concrete. This is a mixture of cement of some kind, water, and an aggregate. Ready mixed concrete is delivered when it has been freshly combined, so its unhardened state makes it highly versatile. It's both durable and customizable and is able to be formed into just about any shape you want.

concrete mixes

The popularity and benefits of ready mixed concrete are clear, but what about the added bonus of a moisture barrier? This may seem like an unnecessary expense, but think of it more as a long-term investment. When concrete is mixed together and being poured, the presence of water is a good thing, but after it's set is a different story. Concrete is naturally porous, so water seeping through can break it apart over time. You can't reduce the permeability of concrete, but you can take steps to waterproof it.

Purchasing ready mixed concrete with a moisture barrier protects the integrity of the concrete. It shields against vapor emissions from the ground beneath and from excess water in the concrete itself. It also prevents moisture from damaging the flooring above the concrete and preserves the adhesives.

Builder's Concrete East has several special concrete mixes, including ready mixed concrete with NewCem, with flyash, or even with white cement. No matter if you're aiming to be energy efficient or just trying for a certain aesthetic, they have exactly what you're after. To work with one of the top concrete suppliers in Connecticut, call (860) 456-4111, or check out their website today.
