
Montgomery Animal Hospital of Cincinnati, OH, is here to show you how to manage your pet's weight from an early age and how to help your overweight pet lose weight safely. Consider these simple weight management tips for your pet:

  • Monitor Feedings: You need to know how many calories your pet needs and stick to providing them that amount. If multiple people in your home feed your pet, make sure everyone tracks how much they fed them.
  • Choose The Correct Food Formula: The age of your pet determines the type of food they need. You don't want to feed a puppy the same food you would an older dog. Ask us for advice when picking out food for your pet.
  • Avoid Table Feeding: Giving human food to your pet creates an imbalance in their diet and can fatten them up quickly. Also, some human foods are toxic to pets and could lead to a trip to the emergency clinic.

If you already have an overweight pet, use these tips to slim them down:

  • Visit Your Veterinarian:  We use a body condition scale to estimate your pet's ideal weight. This will determine how much weight your pet should lose. 
  • Reduce Feeding Portions: Ask us to see how much of your pet's food intake to reduce. If there is no difference in weight after two weeks, reduce the portions again slightly.
  • Change the Diet: Beware the hype - not all low-calorie-labeled foods are actually low in calories! We'll help you pick the best diet for your individual pet.
  • Increase Exercise: Getting your pet moving will increase their metabolism and help them burn fat. Take your dog on walks and use toys to play around the house with your cat.

Thanks to your local veterinary clinic, you now know how to manage and reduce your pet's weight. Visit Montgomery Animal Hospital of Cincinnati, OH, online to see their list of services, and call them at (513) 791-7912 to schedule an appointment. 

Photo Steven Zolneczko
