Remodeling Contractor
C J Kubisiak Inc
3995 Leonard Rd, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494

About C J Kubisiak Inc

A sturdy house requires more than simply putting up four walls and a roof. When it comes to creating structures capable of housing your family for generations, every little measurement and decorative detail counts. C J Kubisiak in Wisconsin Rapids provides the dedication and expertise you want for new home building or remodeling. These contractors work together with their clients to help them realize their vision of creating the perfect home. 

In addition to new home building, C J Kubisiak offers an array of home renovation and remodeling services. Whether you want to refresh your house’s siding and roofing or are interested in expanding your space with basement remodeling, these pros can help. Their team of skilled contractors is among the most experienced in the area.

Whatever your wishes may be, the professionals at C J Kubisiak will take the time to discuss them in detail. Customer satisfaction is a top priority for them. To ensure you get the outcome you desire, they’ll coordinate with you every step of the way so the final result is exactly what you dreamed of.

C J Kubisiak is fully licensed and insured, so you can be sure your home improvement project is in good hands. With more than 20 years of experience, these contractors have established themselves as the go-to new home building and renovation professionals in the Wisconsin Rapids area. Visit their website to find out more about their work or call (715) 423-4474 to schedule a consultation.
