
Are you uncomfortable when you brush or floss? How about when you drink a hot or cold beverage? If so, schedule an appointment with your dentist. You may have sensitive teeth. There are several potential causes for this condition, and it’s important to identify the reason early so you can receive the proper treatment. At the office of Eric J. Hartzell, DMD, in High Point, NC, they’ll take a close look at your teeth to determine what’s making them sensitive. Here are five of the most common culprits behind this issue.

A Dentist’s Guide to 5 Potential Causes of Sensitive Teeth

1. Dental Decay

This is one of the most common contributors to tooth sensitivity. When sugar left over on your teeth from a meal attracts bacteria, that bacteria starts to eat away at the dental tissue, resulting in a cavity. The nerves are then exposed, making your teeth much more sensitive to anything that might cause discomfort. Luckily, this is easy to fix with a filling.

2. Old Filling

A filling you received several years ago may have worn down, exposing the tooth to decay. That’s why it’s important to see your dentist regularly. They’ll make sure your fillings are still in good shape and replace any that are no longer protecting the tooth.

3. Fractures

DentistIf you sustained even a minor injury to your face or jaw, it could have resulted in a tooth fracture you’re not aware of. This might leave nerve sections of your teeth exposed, resulting in sensitivity. It’s important to get this fixed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the fracture could expand, further damaging your tooth.

4. Gum Disease

Gum disease can actually go hand in hand with dental sensitivity. If the bacteria in your mouth is beginning to eat away at your gums, it’s also doing damaging to your teeth. On top of that, bacteria can create little pockets between the gums and teeth, exposing the latter to greater potential harm and you to more discomfort.

5. Worn Enamel

Your dental enamel is a natural layer that protects your teeth from bacteria. It can wear down if you grind your teeth, brush with too much force, or consume too many acidic foods. This is a major cause of sensitivity. Preventing this cause by brushing gently, avoiding acidic foods, and using a toothpaste with fluoride.

If your teeth are sensitive, schedule an appointment with Eric J. Hartzell, DMD, serving the High Point, NC, area since 1994. The dentist and his team are also happy to offer treatment for your child if they’re experiencing dental sensitivity. Contact them online for more information, or call (336) 886-8776.
