
Once winter hits, it can be easy to feel as though you and your children are trapped inside. However, with the right outdoor learning activities, little ones can stay engaged and entertained, even after the temperatures have fallen. Below, the educational professionals at Christian Chapel Day Care in Onalaska, WI, share a few ideas to try with your children over holiday vacations or on a snow day. 

4 Outdoor Learning Activities for Winter

1. Build With Snow

Building a snowman is a tried-and-true outdoor learning activity. Not only is this a physically active pursuit, but it’s also a wonderful way to introduce spacial relations and engineering concepts to young ones. Building a snow fort is another great option that can pose a fun challenge from a design perspective. 

2. Go on a Scavenger Hunt

On the next snow day, take the little ones on an outdoor scavenger hunt. You can base the hunt around an educational topic, such a historical event or figure, and pack away items of significance in the snow around the property. The children will love digging for treasures while also learning important lessons in the process. 

3. Create a Snow Painting

outdoor learningCreativity is an important part of education, so this winter, let your children create amazing snow paintings. Fill a plastic squeeze bottle with water and food coloring, and let their imaginations run wild. Although the results will be temporary, the venture will be great fun, and it will allow them to express themselves.

4. Play Weather Forecaster

You can also teach your children about weather forecasting. Study maps and weather trends, and ask the little ones to provide their predictions. The real fun is in determining whether their guesses were correct, so be sure to pay attention to local forecasts to find out later on.

If you’re searching for a highly capable learning center in Onalaska, WI, to educate your little one, look no further than Christian Chapel Day Care. These experts prioritize early childhood development, offering everything from outdoor learning activities to Christian teachings. Give them a call today at (608) 783-5722 to speak with a compassionate, friendly staff member, and visit them online to learn more about what they do.
