
According to your family dentist, the most important way to prepare for wisdom tooth removal recovery is to plan ahead. By paying attention to your doctor’s instructions and purchasing a few supplies ahead of time, you can heal easier and faster. Bethel Family Dentistry in Bethel, OH, performs various tooth extractions for its patients. In the list below, they share their top ways to get well after your wisdom teeth procedure. 

Family Dentist’s Extraction Recovery Tips 

Rest Often 

Bethel-Family-DentistEvery patient needs rest to heal properly following a wisdom tooth extraction. When you arrive home, elevate your head with pillows to minimize bleeding and swelling. Avoid strenuous activity for a few days and take a day or two off work or school if you need to. 

Use Gauze 

When your extraction is over, your dentist will ask you to bite down on a piece of gauze for 30-45 minutes. This reduces bleeding and allows healing blood clots to form. Ask your doctor for more gauze before you leave or stock up on the material before your treatment. Switch to a clean piece of gauze whenever you need it, biting down for up to a half hour at a time. 

Rinse with Saltwater 

Some people use a saltwater rinse the day after surgery to decrease inflammation and tooth pain. Fill a cup with warm water and mix it with a small amount of salt. Swish with this liquid after you eat or drink and whenever you experience discomfort. 

Try Cold Therapy 

Apply an ice pack to the outside of your mouth or cheek to keep tooth pain away. A frozen bag of vegetables will work as a substitute if you do not have a cold package at home. You can use this treatment for 10-15 minutes once per hour. 

Avoid Straws 

While you may be on a liquid diet for a day or two after your appointment, sucking on straws following your extraction can dislodge or disturb blood clots. Take your dentist’s advice and avoid using any type of straw for at least 72 hours. You should also stop smoking and refrain from drinking alcohol for a couple of days.

Do not forget to resume your normal dental routine, which includes brushing and flossing after 24 hours. If you have questions about relieving pain or healing after your extraction, call your dentist office. To make an appointment to discuss tooth removal with your local family dentist, call Bethel Family Dentistry in Bethel, OH, at (513) 734-2029. For more information about tooth removal with Dr. Minarchek and his caring team of dental professionals, visit their website
