
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that has helped many people achieve smooth legs once again after suffering from varicose and spider veins. It’s one of the most effective treatments available for this type of condition, as it works by directly injecting medication into the undesired veins. If you’re considering having this done, it’s a good idea to learn as much as possible before going in for the procedure. Putting together a list of questions for your doctor will help you remember everything you want to know. Below are some of the most common questions other patients have asked.

4 FAQs Concerning Sclerotherapy

How Do I Prepare for Sclerotherapy?

In preparation for treatment, doctors ask that patients refrain from applying lotion or oil in the 24 hours before their scheduled appointment, but legs should be shaved the night before. Patients should also bring shorts to wear during the procedure and loose clothing to put on afterward to accommodate for compression bandages.

What Is the Recovery Process?

sclerotherapyIt is typically recommended that patients wear compression bandages or stockings for at least one to two days following the procedure. This is also the same timeframe usually given for resuming normal activities. The injection site may be sore at first but the tenderness should go away within 24-48 hours.   

How Long Does the Procedure Take & How Many Treatments Are Necessary?

Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure that typically only takes 15 to 30 minutes depending on how many veins are being treated and how severe the condition is. These same factors will determine how many treatments will be necessary. Mild cases generally require one to two treatments, while more serious ones may need two to four.

Am I a Good Candidate for Treatment?

Patients who are prone to blood clots or are allergic to sclerosant should not pursue treatment. Sclerotherapy should also not be done on women who are pregnant or nursing or those who have deep leg veins, diabetes, high blood pressure, or cardiac illnesses.


The more educated you are about sclerotherapy prior to undergoing treatment, the more at ease you will feel about the procedure. As the top skin surgeon and dermatology expert in Hartford, CT, Lauren A. Daman, MD, PC has successfully eliminated varicose and spider veins in many patients. She has the knowledge and expertise necessary to perform the injections with utmost precision. Contact her office at (860) 246-3533, or visit her online for more information.
