
Gutters have the important job of keeping water away from the side of your home after it runs off the roof. Unfortunately, extreme weather can damage these structures. Bel-Aire Home Improvement assists many clients in Platteville, WI, with winterizing their gutters as well as their other home improvement needs. Below they list a few tips for the cold season. 

3 Steps for Preventing Gutter Damage in the Winter

1. Keep Your Attic Cold

Your attic should be properly insulated to reduce your energy bills when temperatures outside are extreme. This way, snow will melt off your roof slowly and safely. If too much heat escapes through your attic, though, fast-melting ice and snow can damage your gutters by clogging them up and putting too much of a strain on them. Ask a roofing contractor for help establishing a happy medium. 

2. Clear the Roof

Your roof is built to withstand the amount of snow that’s normal for your area. However, it’s still possible for your gutters or roof to collapse if snow levels are unusually high. Clear the surface with a lightweight roof rake if there is more than one foot of snow on it. Instead of climbing on the roof, use an extension pole for this task.

3. Remove Ice & Leave the Icicles

guttersIf too much ice builds up inside your gutters, it can cause them to rip away because they’re unable to support the extra weight. Unfortunately, you can’t remove the ice yourself without risking property damage. Ideally, you should call a roofing contractor to clear the gutters in this situation.

Icicles are a different matter. They usually form on the outside of your gutters as water is dripping and freezing. It’s a good thing that icicles can look pretty, because knocking them off is not recommended. Doing so could leave holes in your gutters.

If you need assistance with clearing or repairing your gutters, give the experts at Bel-Aire Home Improvement a call at (608) 348-2381. Or, send them a message through their online contact form. Whether you need repairs after a storm or want to improve the insulation under your roof, their experienced staff can get the job done for a reasonable price. 
