
Divorce is a life-changing process, and adjusting is challenging for both the ex-spouses and the children involved. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the proceedings and paperwork and neglect your kids’ needs as they try to cope with the emotional impact. If you have decided that separation is the best option for your family, but you are concerned about how it might affect your little ones, the divorce attorneys at the Hensley Law Office in Flatwoods, KY, can help. Below, their compassionate team shares three ways you can make the experience easier on those you love.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce

1. Be Honest While Remaining Age Appropriate

Your children deserve to know the truth, especially when their lives are about to change in a major way. Try to answer their questions as honestly as possible without placing blame, and keep your responses age appropriate. For example, if they ask why you are pursuing divorce, you can say that you do not get along anymore or that you fight all the time and are both unhappy as a result. Simple, straightforward answers tend to be best in these kinds of scenarios.

2. Reassure Them of Your Love

divorce attorneySince you’ve stopped loving your spouse, your children may worry that at some point, you will stop loving them, too. Divorce is typically more complicated than feelings that fade, but if that is the best way for you to explain it to your children, be aware of how they might interpret it. Even if your kids do not voice their concerns or admit they feel they are to blame, reassure them of your unconditional love often and express that though parents sometimes leave each other, they will never abandon their children.

3. Turn to a Professional

Even the best parents can find themselves at a loss for words. If you are unsure how to explain something to your children or you think you are not adequately meeting their emotional needs, turn to a counselor who specializes in working with adolescents.

Sometimes, the best way to help your children cope is by taking care of your own needs. When you are calm and relaxed, your kids are likely to feel the same. If you are considering separation, you can ease much of the stress and anxiety surrounding the proceedings by turning to a seasoned divorce attorney. Contact the Hensley law Office in Flatwoods, KY, for legal guidance during every step of the process. Call (606) 836-3117 to schedule a consultation today, or follow the divorce attorneys on Facebook for news and helpful information.
