
Flooding comes from many sources.  Here are some examples of flood sources that resulted in claims:

  • Melting snow
  • Unusually heavy rain
  • Levee breaking
  • Community releasing water to relieve pressure on a dam
  • Water runoff from putting out forest fire
  • Rain causing flooding due to defoliation after a forest fire
  • City water pipe bursting
  • River overflowing its banks
  • New land development
  • Tsunami

Flooding is defined as a general temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land or of two or more properties (one of which is yours) from overflow of inland or tidal waters, unusual and rapid accumulation, or runoff of surface waters from any source. 

Please.  If you must evacuate your home, DO NOT leave your pets behind!  MAKE A PLAN!


Information provided by The Flood Zone 2017-Volume 12, issue 1 by Assurant Flood Solutions.  

Note:  This literature is descriptive only. It is not intended and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss and the actual coverage of the policy issued. Assurant nor Comaltex  nor its employees or agents shall be liable for the use of any information or statements made or contained in this document.   Each claim is handled on the basis of its individual facts and circumstances and in accordance with policy language, including applicable exclusions, conditions and limitations. Insurance overview is for informational purposes only and does not replace or modify the definitions and information contained in individual insurance policies, their endorsements or declaration pages, which are controlling. Terms and availability vary by policy form and exclusions apply. 

