
Nobody enjoys the feeling of opening a utility bill to discover an outrageous cost. Fortunately, it’s easy to reduce your water usage—and nobody knows how to do this better than plumbing experts. Here are some simple tips from local plumbers on how to decrease your water bill.

7 Ways to Reduce Water Usage

1. Use a Car Wash Instead of Your Hose

Car washes are more efficient and ecological than washing your car in your driveway. They use high-pressure rinses, which use less water. Many car washes also recycle water.

2. Install a Low-Flow Shower Head

The average shower head uses 2.5 gallons per minute, while a low-flow version is only about two gallons. This might not seem like a lot, but over the course of a year it can save more than 3,000 gallons a year.

plumbing3. Use Your Dishwasher

Today’s dishwashers are more efficient than washing by hand. You’ll save more when you skip rinsing dishes in the sink and put them straight into the machine.

4. Use the Microwave to Heat Water

How often do you run the tap while waiting for it to heat up? Consider using your stove or microwave to heat a cup of water instead of letting water, and money, go down the drain.

5. Fix Leaky Faucets and Toilets

Inspect your faucets, pipes, and toilets for leaks, and make the repairs yourself. Not sure you can? Even hiring a plumbing expert could save you money, and you’ll prevent further problems that come with leaks.

6. Wash Large Loads of Laundry

Do you wash a handful of clothes in the machine because you need a specific outfit? Throw in towels and sheets too to make the most of the water.

7. Use a Rain Barrel

In the summer, your outdoor plants are thirsty—and your water bill suffers. Use a rain barrel to collect roof runoff year-round, and use that water for your plants when the weather gets hot. It could save you as much as 1,000 gallons a year.


Berk Trade and Business School in Long Island City, NY, will prepare you for a career in the plumbing or electrical field. This technical institute has been training your region’s trusted plumbers and electricians for more than 70 years, and they’re accepting applications online right now. Questions about their programs and course work? Call (718) 729-0909. You can also follow Berk Trade and Business School on Facebook.
