
As the colder months approach, homeowners need to do all they can to keep warm air in and cool air out. But with today’s rising energy prices, it can be expensive to maintain a comfortable home without breaking the bank. Luckily, you can keep a home warm for less money by following a few energy-saving tips.

Berk Trade and Business School is a trade school located in Long Island City, NY, that provides adult education classes. With over 70 years as a trusted New York-area technical school, their instructors know just what technical trade facts their students need to know — and what you should know as well!

To keep your home at a comfortable temperature during the fall and winter seasons without emptying your wallet, keep the following tips in mind.

Let The Sun Heat Your Home

Just because the air is chillier doesn’t mean the sun loses its warmth. To save money, open your south-facing window curtains in the morning to welcome sunlight into your home and heat each room of the house. At night, close the curtains to keep the cold night air out.

Adjust Your Thermostat

Trade SchoolAn easy way to lower your monthly energy costs is to simply use less energy. When your home in the daytime, keep the thermostat as low as you can without sacrificing comfort. Remember, you can always throw on another sweater or pair of socks if you get cold. At night when you go to bed, turn down your home’s thermostat even further—by 10 to 15 degrees. You’ll have blankets to keep you warm and won’t even notice the change in temperature.

Find & Seal Leaks

Nothing makes a house colder than infiltrating outdoor air. If you notice any major change in temperature in certain parts of your home or feel cool drafts, check your home for leaks. Once you find them, seal them up tight with caulk, weatherstripping, or other appropriate materials. If you’re struggling to locate the leaks or are unsure of how to properly seal them, contact a professional who has received a certification from a trade school.

Don’t spend a fortune trying to heat your home! If you want to learn more about the trades that could benefit your home, consider attending Berk Trade and Business School. For more information, call the trade school at (718) 729-0909 or visit their website. You can also find the school on Facebook and Twitter.
